Friday, 30 November 2012

Demands Addressed to the National Council of D&P

DEMANDS ADDRESSED TO THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE for its meeting of novembre 30,  December  1 and 2, 2012
Considering that Development and Peace is a movement that has thousands of members from coast to coast;

Considering the failure to defend the values of the organization by both the General Management and the National Executive Council;
Considering the failure to uphold the decisions taken by several Regional Assemblies last spring;
Considering the lack of respect for the decision-makers of the organization during the discussions with the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Canada;
  1. To re-establish a continuous line of communication and to insure the participation of the members in the process of future consultation.
  2. To elect to the Executive Committee of the National Council members who represent the diversity of thought that exists within Development and Peace and who know and respect the mission of the organization.
  3. To terminate the contracts of the present Director General and Assistant Director General.
  4. To set up a management committee to ensure the transition.
  5. To open a new dialogue with the bishops of Canada so that the decisional power of the laity will be respected by Development and Peace.
Constance Vaudrin, Lucille Plourde, Gérard Laverdure,Marcelle Sinclair

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